Do it afraid



Sometimes feel like a myth.
Adopting the LiveBrave
mentality to face the obstacles
in life will prove otherwise.

You are your own limitations

If you can imagine your success and in vision the end goal, you are already half way there.

START and finish your objectives and goals.

Having goals are of utmost importance, identifying the ones that requires the most attention and effort will ensure that your growth path towards your grand goals is seamless and provide ample evidence of your progress.

Our FOCUS tool will guide you to discover the tasks and skills that require the most of your attention and efforts and save you unthinkable amounts of time and wasted efforts.

The LiveBrave mindset

There is no goal or objective you can not achieve if you are willing to face your fears and obstacles that hinder your progress. A good way to do this is through accountability. It is said to keep your goals close to your heart, I say share your goals with friends and mentors who would hold you accountable and support you to find the drive and courage to face the proverbial music.

Join our unique accountability program now.

Download your FREE copy of a practical guide NOW

Live brave from start to finish is a comprehensive practical guide aimed at providing readers the required "tools" to build a life of success.

Courses and seminars

We provide several video seminars, and live seminars and courses on key topics most scholars today can use to grow towards a life only dreamed of.

Ranging from life skills and practical tools anyone can use to build a better life.

Find us on social media

Dare to DREAM and you will achieve


Invision your end goals even if they might seem far-fetched


Document the steps that would be required to fulfil your dream


Set and chase the steps in your plan to grow towards your envisioned dream.

LiveBrave in a nutshell

Practical tools

Currently we have the FOCUS tool on this website, and the accountability platform and social media as a method to share short practical tools that is immediately useable by any and all.

We also have the 'LiveBrave From Start to finish a practical guide' booklet that is available on this website at no charge.

The End goal

The "End" gaol for LiveBrave is to enable people around the globe with key abilities of critical thinking, financial planning and practical goal setting to achieve short term goals or tasks and life long goals.

We intend to make use of social media to enrich our reach and to grow a brand that will inevitably allow for continuous accountability from mentors, friend and strangers alike.

Courses and seminars

Courses and seminars packed with actionable tools that enables individuals, businesses and other corporate entities to navigate live with the mindset that enables success.

Our current focus groups are for learners between the ages of 17 and 25 yet not limited it.

Contact Us

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Our physical location, not your limitation.

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Our Locations

Pretoria, South Africa


Wonderboom South

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